воскресенье, 2 мая 2010 г.

Five rules of a healthy heart

Food for heart

Rule 1. Eat vegetables, fruits, grains and products with minimal heat treatment.

Vegetables, fruits, grains - are vitamins and fiber, which improves the body works in general, retard the development of atherosclerosis and deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Fish, particularly oily sea (trout, mackerel, mackerel, herring) are extremely rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. The Nordic nations, whose menu sea fish has an important place, suffer from cardiovascular diseases by almost 2 times less likely to rest. According to recent studies, regular use of omega-3 to minimize the risk of sudden cardiac arrest.


Rule 2. Daily Exercise, walk walk, run, ride a bike.
Exercise helps to keep the tone all muscles, including the heart. During physical exertion faster process glucose, consumed substances which by law are deposited in the meanness of the most problematic places.

There are special aerobic exercise for heart and blood vessels. This jogging, walking, swimming. The main condition - to engage in at least 30 minutes at a time, ideally - 40-50. The fitness club for this is cardio: Steppers (simulated walking on the stairs), treadmill, bicycles and elliptical trainers. Do not love the gym - to ride a bicycle in the park, run or just go walking, ignore the elevator. Follow the pulse: during training it should be 110-130 beats per minute.


Rule 3. Moderate drinkers.

Note that it is not that the use of alcohol should be completely abandoned. Keyword - "moderation". A glass of dry red wine a day - say, over lunch in good company - my heart only benefit. Red wine is rich in polyphenols - powerful antioxidants contained in the grape pips. According to recent research conducted at the University of Florida, a moderate intake of alcohol (1-7 servings per week) reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by 30%.

However, scientists clarify: bust alcohol is much worse than complete abstinence. Safe rate - 20 grams per day in terms of clean ethanol. The wine equivalent of a glass of beer - 0,33 l.

Slim waist

Rule 4. To have a healthy heart, it is important to have a waist.
In any case, the waist should not exceed the amount of the hips, which, in turn, must fit in the average office chair.

Joking aside, the "right" weight to avoid many health problems, which ultimately affect the work of the heart. Waist 89 cm more - a real threat. Familiar medical school teacher called it a "Fatty chain": too much fat - the relative lack of insulin - in the blood glucose concentration (there is type 2 diabetes mellitus) - increases the cholesterol level - there is atherosclerosis, increased blood pressure.

And most of that chain events develop in people with abdominal obesity - that is, when the fat is deposited in the main at the waist. From this point of view to be "woman-pear" (waist hip already) is much better than being a "woman-apple" (waist wider hips). It is necessary to make the waist!

Cigarettes banned

Rule 5. Quit smoking.

Usually the eventual disadvantages of tobacco show impregnated with soot lungs. In fact, smoking is harmful and many other organs, particularly the heart. If I had my way, I would have shown in the eventual disadvantages of tobacco large scar that remains on the heart after a heart attack. According to WHO, smoking - after the second factor of atherosclerosis, which leads to coronary heart disease.

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