воскресенье, 2 мая 2010 г.

Nine questions about cancer

Malignant neoplasms can be considered a true scourge of humanity - from their lives of nearly 15% of people, and their prevention and treatment leave much to be desired. At the same time, few people know what is cancer and how to fight it.

Question 1. Why cancer is cancer?

Answer. The name "cancer" (the Greek «oncos», Latin «cancer») gave this disease famous Greek physician Hippocrates for the resemblance of a malignant tumor or cancer crab, launching its "feelers" deep to healthy tissue.

In modern medicine, cancer is usually called only malignant tumors originating from epithelial tissue. Other malignant tumors (from muscle, nerve and other tissues) of cancer called incorrectly. Often, however, traditionally referred to as cancer, any cancer. For simplicity in this article the word "cancer" also refers to all malignant neoplasms.

Question 2. What is the difference malignant tumors from benign?

Answer. Fundamental differences between the three. First, the tumors grow uncontrollably, that is, their cells divide continuously, producing a similar. Secondly, they are not limited to tissues that occurs, that is, grow into the surrounding organs and tissues, destroying them. And, thirdly, malignant tumors are able to metastasize. It lies in the fact that tumor cells may be with blood or lymph transported to other organs, which of them grow new tumors, similar to the original.

Question 3. Can a person get cancer?

Answer. In contact with a person who has a malignant neoplasm, infection can not. For the development of cancer requires two basic conditions.

The first condition - that change the genetic apparatus of cells, ie DNA that causes cells to multiply uncontrollably and turns off the mechanism of programmed death, inherent in all cells at the end of their life cycle. That is, any cancer comes from our own human cells, and during malignant degeneration of the cell can either maintain their initial symptoms (such tumors are called highly differentiated), and lose them completely (such tumors are called poorly differentiated).

The second condition - is a violation of the immune system, which is responsible for detecting and destroying cancer cells.
Changing the genetic apparatus might occur under the influence of many factors. They are, for example, chemical carcinogens and ionizing radiation, changing the structure of DNA, the hereditary predisposition. Exist as a tumor, the appearance of which depends on increased levels of hormones. For example, elevated levels of female sex hormones estrogen increases the risk of developing breast cancer and uterine epithelium, and male sex hormone androgen - prostate cancer.

Some types of cancer develop on the basis of the so-called precancerous conditions, such as stomach cancer is often preceded by long-existing ulcer.

Most precancerous lesions are viral infections - they are "responsible" for 15% of all cancer cases. This is not surprising, since many viruses affecting cell embedded in its "holy of holies" - the genetic apparatus. And so these infections can indeed be infected. Of course, there is some virus does not mean necessarily disease related type of cancer in the future, but the risk of complications increases many times. The most known viruses that predispose to cancer - is certain types of papilloma virus to cervical and penile, hepatitis B and C in liver cancer, Epstein-Barr virus to Burkitt's lymphoma, and others.

Question 4. Is cancer hereditary?

Answer. Direct hereditary transmission of cancer does not exist. However, a predisposition to developing certain types of cancer can be inherited, and for various hereditary tumors has different meanings. Thus, some genetic features greatly increases the risk of breast cancer in relatives of sick women, although it may appear without them. And such a tumor, such as liver cancer, is much more dependent on external influences. In any case, the dependence of developing cancer of heredity is the nature of probability, rather than direct transmission.

Question 5. Can I be vaccinated against cancer?

Answer. Despite continued scientific research, nor from one type of cancer preventive vaccination does not exist. Numerous reports of studies in this area allows us to hope that the problem will be solved very soon, at least for some types of cancer, but so far can not be vaccinated against cancer.

But not all that bad. Already have and continue to receive vaccinations against viral infections, predisposing to the development of cancer. For example, anyone can now be vaccinated against oncogenic papilloma virus or hepatitis B.

Question 6. Cancer can be cured, or it always leads to death?

Answer. Can be cured, and in full, but not always. The possibility of cure is strongly dependent on several factors, such as:
• The type of malignant tumor - different kinds of cancer have different growth rate and probability of metastasis (usually poorly differentiated tumors are more dangerous, the cells that have lost the identity of the original fabric);
• disease stage at which a diagnosis (if the tumor is small in size, located within a single body and no metastases, the chances of its complete removal is very high);
• The accuracy of diagnosis and correct choice of treatment;
• the possibility of the establishment where the therapy (the presence of necessary equipment and sufficient qualified professionals)
• and several others.

Question 7. How to detect cancer at an early stage?

Answer. Absolute algorithm for early detection of tumors, unfortunately, does not exist. However, methods of screening cancer developed and constantly improved.

Some of them are taken earlier, managed to demonstrate its irrelevance. For example, this fluorogram to identify lung cancer (note that it is an excellent job of identifying tuberculosis, so it must pass required), self-examination to detect breast cancer. The benefit of test for prostate specific antigen (PSA) to detect prostate cancer is considered doubtful.
Currently uniquely efficient screening methods are recognized: mammography for early detection of breast cancer by cytological examination of cervical smears, the test for faecal occult blood and colonoscopy for the diagnosis of colon cancer.

More and more opportunities becoming screening of genetic markers of cancer. For example, the defined mutation analysis of genes BRCA 1 and 2 are responsible for 30-40% of cases of predisposition to breast cancer. Unfortunately, due to the high cost method of mass genetic screening as there is only a few Western countries.

Question 8. Is it true that the worst thing in cancer - a metastasis?

Answer. In cancer of all afraid. Metastases really strong worsen prognosis, because all of them can not be deleted, and they disrupt the work of those bodies that have arisen. But even without metastasis cancer often leads to death.

First, actively multiplying tumor cells require a constant influx of nutrients, like "eating around" the whole body. In addition, with this enhanced metabolism increases and the number of metabolic products, most of which are toxic. All this leads to the weakening and exhaustion of the patient - the so-called cancer cachexia, and the poisoning of the body - cancer intoxication.

Secondly, the tumor may form in vital organs, or grow into it, causing a lack of functions. The greatest risk in this regard, a brain tumor.

Question 9. Why in the treatment of cancer bald?

Answer. Effects of basic anticancer drugs - cytostatics - based on the suppression of actively dividing cells. Because malignant tumors are composed of just such cells, they become major targets for drugs. But the body is healthy tissue, cells are constantly updated - this is, first of all, hair follicles, bone marrow and intestinal epithelium. Therefore, people receiving chemotherapy, often suffer from hair loss, as well as the oppression of blood and erosions of the intestine.

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