суббота, 1 мая 2010 г.


Mental illness is manifested in the ruthless attacks of hunger. According to Medscape General, women suffer from them ten times more often than men. Usually this is the model athlete, dancer and actress. However, far from it.
If this happens regularly, then it is time to heal ...

Bulimia (from the Greek. Boul - «Bull and limos -« hunger ") - is, simply speaking, gluttony. There are two criteria of the disease: firstly, bulimik eats certainly more than fitting, secondly, during the meal can not control myself and eat until all the food or the physical ability is there.

Everyone knows what a "jam" trouble and sorrow. Many of us found ourselves in the difficult moments of life with his mouth at the open refrigerator. However, bulimia is considered only if the disease took shape when the frequency of attacks of hunger appears: in the evening, or every weekend, or even once every two weeks. If this happens regularly, then it is time to heal.

Bulimia is not harmless. Feeling pangs of conscience, a man unsuccessfully trying to go on a diet, do fitness, take drugs for weight loss. Only 6-8% stop there, the rest go to violent methods of treatment: enemas, laxatives and induced vomiting.

Vomiting - the most convenient and fastest way to get rid of excess calories before they learned the body. However, this process is extremely protivoestestven and fraught with not only the loss of potassium and other trace elements, chemical burns of the esophagus and oral cavity, which lead to ulcers of the esophagus, tooth decay and chronic stomatitis. The horror that eventually produced pathological reflex, and the person involuntarily turns every time you try anything to eat.

Severe bulimia looks very similar to another disease - anorexia. Some experts say at this stage of bulimoanoreksii. In fact, the distinction here bulimika from anorektika is difficult: both alternate hunger strike to uncontrollable bouts of overeating and cause vomiting, and eventually he and the other answer an involuntary gag reflex to attempt a little snack.

Gluttony is old as the world. Even in times of decline of the Roman Empire had been opened for days of feasting, at which have been made known more than it can digest. And as an indispensable assistant to the stomach in those days used peacock feathers, which the guests induce vomiting. The tradition of this, incidentally, existed in the Middle Ages and later. Louis XVI, as is known, was characterized by love feasts, which spared no government money: according to the historical documents on the budget of a royal reception could have been half a year to feed a small village.

Bulimia is, unlike the good old rablezianstva was due to hedonism, and mental disorders: fear of impotence and loss of control over the situation. Eventually bulimik realizes that he also stopped to control your appetite and vomiting reaction in the form of food, which only adds to his self-hatred, depression, fear and apathy.

Public people are particularly vulnerable to this disease. Popularity sometimes is out of control, and unflattering press reviews to give rise complexes even in the strongest soul. Among the celebrities who suffered from bulimia, were Princess Diana, singer Alanis Morissette, actress Jane Fonda and Calista Flockhart, singer Elton John, TV host Oprah Winfrey and many others.

Treatment of bulimia is not one month, and participate in it together psychologist and dietician.

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